
He and I have been very busy over the past week, so I apologize for the lack of posts. It seems that attempting to include others in our bedroom activities is a complicated, time-consuming matter, one that has distracted us quite a bit this week. We've spent our downtime this week reconnecting, which has been wonderful.

I've also spent some time this week talking to my new therapist. Before anyone worries, my seeing a therapist is nothing new. I've talked to one for years in an effort to control the anxiety that has been a part of most of my adult life. (And for the record, I think that most people in my life could benefit from a bit of therapy here and there!) For the past five years, my anxiety has been completely manageable and I only go to therapy intermittently for maintenance appointments.

I have been without a therapist for the past several months and decided to return recently for a whole host of reasons. My relationship is not a reason that I decided to go back, but it did factor into my selection of a new therapist. I knew that my relationship and my submission would come up in the course of conversation and wanted someone who would understand that dynamic. So I found a wonderful kink-aware therapist who is working to help me maximize my relationship, understand my kink more, and generally make me a better submissive, all while talking with me about managing the true sources of anxiety in my life.

The first thing she did in our session was to ask me if my owner knew that I was talking to her. I hadn't told Him, but I suspected that he would find out in no time. He knows everything and I cannot keep anything from him, which she understood completely. It didn't seem strange to tell her any of that.

The second thing she did was walk me through some breathing exercises that would help me with my anxiety. She told me that better breathing would contribute to my submission by allowing me to take more pain - no judgments about whether my need for pain was wrong in some way. And it has already paid off...more on that in another post this week!

It is wonderful to speak to someone who doesn't approach what I do and love as wrong or a problem to treat. She supports and does not judge. It is exactly what I need at this juncture as He and I face everything that lay ahead.

I will be back with a titillating new post in a day or so. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Good for you Kitten,
I'm glad you are taking care of yourself, your owner deserves that.

Jessie said...

I didn't know there were therapists who were kink-friendly. Cool! I could use one for anxiety. I take ativian now and I think it gives me a bit of amnesia....


Kitten said...

Thanks Tex, I'm already feeling better and hope that I'm a better girl for him as a result.

Jess: The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom keeps a listing of kink-aware professionals, if you're interested. The website is: