
S&M has been hard on my belongings, y'all. During a particularly brutal beating recently, He broke the medium belt across my back. It was an expensive or well-made belt, to be certain - more of a fun novelty belt that I would wear out to the club with my cute jeans - but he broke it in two nonetheless. Now he is intent on breaking the heavy leather belt across my back, which I'm not sure is possible. I tried to punch an extra hole in that belt once to make it fit tighter around my hips and I had trouble getting the sharp tool through the thick leather. I don't think he can break the large belt; he may just break me first.

He also destroyed a pair of panties last weekend. He was undressing me in a hurry and started to pull them from my hips when he suddenly looked up and asked, "Were these expensive?" I said that I didn't know because I didn't want him to know how much I had spent on the beautiful deep purple lace panties and matching bra. In the end, he didn't care. He tore them from my body anyway. Only when I heard the lace tearing did I believe that he was destroying them, shredding the delicate fabric of one of my favorite pairs of underwear. I was already sniffling from the way he had been smacking my face, bu that made me cry even harder. The indignity of it - he ruined them out of cruelty and all I could do was cry as the pieces fell to the floor.

At the same time he has been ruining my possessions with abandon, he has been treating me as more of a possession every day. He dictated what I should wear to a family event and instructed me to cut my hair the way he wants. He gave me vitamins to take every day because he said, "I want my Kitten to be healthy."

He has taken more control, exerted more ownership, even if it is only a slight increase. But I can feel the ground shifting beneath my feet as he takes more control over my life and my body for his ownership and complete dominion.


Anonymous said...

As always thanks for the post. No one else will notice but I love that you used the word ya'll, something I don't hear much except here in Texas. I like that he is taking more control, I think that is the logical next step. Tex

Kitten said...

Tex: Where did a true Northeastern girl like me pick up y'all? It's a mystery.

Regarding control: But my hair! He's making me cut my beautiful long hair! *pouts*


Dirty Girl said...

you are not alone. I've had panties, nightgowns, you name it ruined.

Funny thing is no matter how much we women spend on lingerie, it always get torn off or torn up!

Kitten said...


of course - should expect to have my things ruined. But it felt like he took extra pleasure in destroying a pair that - love. Alas...